Days & Hours:
Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday 1 pm to 4 pm
*By appointment for those coming from a distance
Location and Contact Information:
521 E. Columbus Ave. Suite B.
Bellefontaine, OH, 43311
History of the Society
In the summer of 1978, five ladies from the Bellefontaine and Huntsville areas were spending their Sunday afternoons at the Logan County Historical Musuem looking through all the old newspapers available, searching for information on their families.
It is not remembered today who came up with the idea for forming a Genealogical Society. It is also not known which one came up with the idea of asking Dan Gilbert, President of the Historical Society, if we could take over the Museum Library and maintain it as a Genealogical-Historical Library.
By the end of the summer, the ladies had all become very good friends, and in February of 1979, they gathered at the home of Dorthy Knack, and officially formed the Logan County Genealogical Society. The charter members were: Donna Spencer, President and Publicity Chair; Evelyn Jacobs, Vice President; Corrine Dixon, Secretary and Treasurer; and Fanny Parker, Mildred Brunson, Frances Miller, and Margaret Quay, members of the Board. Since the time our society has grown, and in 1982 we had forty members. 2001 was out best year with 468 members. As of 2022, our membership is 103. We always welcome new members!
In the early 1980's, members of the society recorded tombstones inscriptions for about 80 cemeteries in Logan County. These have been published in ten different books, which include all caretaker records that are available. We have many other books for sale.
Several years ago the Probate and Common Pleas Courts ran out of storage in the court house. Probate wills and estate files (1818-1959) and all Common Pleas files (1818-1949) are now housed in the Logan County Genealogical Society. Our library and records are available to all researchers!
Today, the Library runs on donations, memberships, and passionate volunteers. We use the donations to publish and mail our newsletter, Branches & Twigs, and buy new books and maintain them.

Picture of the Logan County Genealogical Society Board taken on 3 December 1997 by Thomas Roll.
1st row: Edith Eads, President, Editor & Corresponding Secretary; Margaret Lockwood; Judi Mumea; Lucy Rose, Treasurer
2nd row: Alberta Mills; Lamar Lame; Corrine Dixon; Betty Daley; Diane Wright
The society's board if made up of five officers and three trustees. The board meets five times a year to discuss the business of the society. We also have two members meetings a year and all members are encouraged to attend these meetings.
Deb Allison
Shawndel Wilson
Vice President
Russell Strayer
Judy Snyder
Recording Secretary
Barbara Montgomery
Corresponding Secretary
Lu Leininger
Dale Sargent
Pat Ortli